Residents Work

Work in Hamburg

Hamburg offers a wide range of job opportunities. Read all about the job market, application, equality, and more.

Work in Hamburg djrandco
Hamburg Welcome Center

Search and Find Job Vacancies

We will inform you about the various tions for finding a job in Hamburg.

kunertus /
Hamburg Welcome Center

Apply for a Job

Job application is a formal affair in Germany. Find out which documents to include, how to draft up a German CV and much more.

imago stock & people / Westend61
Hamburg Welcome Portal

Job Interview

You applied for a job in Hamburg and were invited for an interview? Congratulations! Read here what to expect.

imago / JuNiArt
Hamburg Welcome Center

Employment Contract

Your contract contains information about your salary, holidays, working hours and notice periods. Make sure you understand it all before signing.

imago stock&people

Sick Leave

It happens to the best of us. When you're sick, you'll need to inform your employer and get a doctor's note as soon as possible.

imago stock&people / Westend61

Equality and Gender Diversity

The Hamburg Ministry of Science, Research and Equality aims to ensure gender equality in all aspects of life.

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