If you’re struggling to make ends meet, you might want to locate the food banks in your area. Here, food items collected by organisations like Hamburger Tafel e.V. are distributed for a small amount of money ─ usually €1-2 per visit. The volunteers at the distribution centres will need to assess your eligibility beforehand. The services are meant for people with low incomes and recipients of social assistance (e.g. Hartz IV, unemployment benefits, pensioners) who spend most of their income on basic necessities. Be sure to check the distribution times for each centre in advance: search the websites below for 'Ausgabe' (lit.: 'distribution') to find times and locations.
Meals and soup kitchens
Various locations around Hamburg, including churches and community centres, serve breakfast, coffee and hot meals for those in need. Meals may cost €0,50 to €1,00 per serving, or be free entirely. The locations also serve as a meeting point where you can talk to social workers or join in social activities.
Be aware that many of the below websites are in German, but services are often available in multiple languages.