Residents Settle


Find information on GPs/physicians in your neighbourhood and on specialist doctors’ offices.

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Important note: In case of emergency or an accident, or if you or someone near you is seriously injured, please dial 112 and/or go to the nearest emergency room immediately.

If there is no emergency, but you need urgent medical advice and your doctor’s office is closed, please dial 116 117 to get medical advice.

General Practitioner / Family Physician

The German term for a GP or family physician is Allgemeinmediziner – or more colloquially, Hausarzt (lit.: ‘house doctor’) – and there is at least one office in every Hamburg neighbourhood. You can choose your doctor’s office freely, but it is advisable to stick to one Hausarzt to build up a trusting relationship.

Visit a Hausarztpraxis (’house doctor’s office’) near you for chronic or acute – but not life-threatening – physical conditions, preventive or mental health care. Your Hausarzt can also give you referrals to medical specialists and arrange for sick leave.

Specialist Doctors’ Offices

Hamburg has a range of very good medical specialists, but you should prepare for long waiting times, especially if you do not have a referral from your Hausarzt.

German is very straightforward when it comes to medical job descriptions. Here is some common terminology to help you find the right doctor:


German (literal translation)


Zahnarzt (lit.: ‘tooth doctor’)


Hautarzt (lit.: ‘skin doctor’)

ENT physician

HNO-Arzt (short for Hals-Nasen-Ohrenarzt, lit.: ‘throat-nose-ear doctor’)


Frauenarzt (lit.: ‘women’s doctor’)


Augenarzt (lit.: ‘eye doctor’)


Kinderarzt (lit.: ‘children's doctor’)

Further Information

For more information on health topics, please visit our partners over at the Hamburg Welcome Center, or see the brochure below.


Health Care in Germany

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