Green developments
There is much to be done in Bahrenfeld before the neighbourhood has made its complete transformation into Science City Bahrenfeld. Developments and improvements are necessary. With the right changes, the area has the potential to become a unique type of knowledge centre, characterized by accessibility of new facilities, apartments and homes, all contributing to a high quality of life.
In this way, the prominent Luruper Chaussee will be a crucial part of Science City Bahrenfeld and the backbone of the campus, both the east and west sides. It will be transformed into a striking boulevard, and house the Innovation Center for new technologies and startups, entrances to gardens and the Volkspark, open squares and public spaces, connection to public transportation, a sports centre, space for small businesses, shops and restaurants, as well as various other scientific buildings.
DESY will be celebrated by a circular, tree-lined avenue directly above its underground particle accelerator. Called the ‘PETRA Ring’, this avenue will trace the track below the earth, symbolically ‘lifting’ the particle accelerator as an avenue along which pedestrians can follow the path of the particles DESY’s scientists work with. The PETRA will also create a new continuous pathway from the eastern campus to Lise-Meitner-Park as well as additional green space, room for new university buildings, communal areas and public squares, a learning centre, and a cafeteria.
At the same time, the new Parklane will be a second circular route, this one extending entirely around the Volkspark, creating new routes for cyclists and connecting the surrounding neighbourhoods to Science City Bahrenfeld.
Additionally, Bahrenfeld’s former harness racing track will provide space for a wealth of new buildings. This area has extensive development possibilities for a mix of science and housing facilities (e.g. for families, students and scientists), shops and businesses, schools, and day-care centres.
Green connection and mobility
However, there are currently no truly attractive routes between the existing research campus, the sites of planned developments and the rest of the city. Existing dividing borders with heavy traffic (such as Luruper Chaussee) will be conceptually amended or redesigned, while others (such as the A7 highway) will be overcome, rerouted or even covered up in order to create more possibilities for bikers and pedestrians.
Much of this necessary accessibility will be created or improved by expanding and increasing access to existing green spaces. The Volkspark is at the heart of Science City Bahrenfeld, providing recreation, sport and exercise opportunities as well as much-needed common space for Science City Bahrenfeld’s residents, visitors, workers and students. This and other existing open and green spaces will be better networked together, taking advantage of Hamburg’s dedication to protecting and expanding the city’s ‘Green Axes’ and ‘Second Green Ring’. For example, the Hamburger Deckel (lit. ‘Hamburg Lid’) will cover the A7 highway. This will create a brand new green-space directly linking the Volkspark to the Elbe river, as well as connecting Lutherpark and Bonnepark, which are currently separated by the A7.
This change will contribute to a higher quality of life in Hamburg by creating more public green space ― meadows, parks, a promenade for pedestrians and cyclists, increased play and leisure areas, and even room for garden plots.
Additionally, a powerful and sustainable model of connection and transportation offers will be crucial for making these new visions of mobility and connection a lived reality. These should be complemented by considerations for pedestrians and cyclists, including local and inter-district bicycle routes. Options for a direct high-speed rail connection for Science City Bahrenfeld are also being investigated.
The project map at the top of the page shows the current plans, including relevant resources in the environment and the most important potential areas for current development projects.