Residents Science & Research

Science and Research

imago stock & people / magebroker

Research Facilities

Next to academic science centres, Hamburg offers a broad range of private, state-funded, independent & non-academic research facilities.

Spengler Wiescholek Architekten Stadtplaner, WES GmbH Landschaftsarchitekten, Urban Catalyst GmbH Visualisierung: Moka-studio / Matthias Friedel

Science City Bahrenfeld

Science City Bahrenfeld is coming. Hamburg's newest district blends innovation, research, commerce, and modern living.

imago stock & people / alimdi
Science & Research

Climate Research

Since the 1970s, researchers in Hamburg have come together to explore the effects of climate change and what can be done to combat it.

Körber-Stiftung / David Ausserhofer

Körber Prize

The prize is awarded to outstanding scientists in Europe and research projects that show great potential for application and international impact.​​​​​​​

imago stock & people / Science Photo Library

Clusters of Excellence

The University of Hamburg’s clusters of excellence are a great example of the city's interdisciplinary cooperations.