Residents Science & Research Climate Research
Science & Research

Climate Research

Since the 1970s, researchers in Hamburg have come together to explore the effects of climate change and what can be done to combat it.

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As a port city, Hamburg is particularly concerned about the future of the environment. Several joint research facilities investigate the effects of climate change on Hamburg and the world. One of Universität Hamburg's clusters of excellence is CliSAP, which stands for 'Integrated Climate System Analysis and Prediction'. Together with partner institutions such as the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology and the Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability, CliSAP focuses on climate variability and predictability. This research helps scientists predict the effects of climate change and formulate strategies for the social and economic effects that it causes.

Research and Transfer Centre

In 2007, the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW Hamburg) created the research and exchange centre 'Sustainability and Climate Change Management' (FTZ-NK). An important goal for the centre is linking knowledge about climate change across the world, making it fully accessible online — a joint effort by countries affected by climate change, in an attempt to raise funding.

The centre primarily supports fundamental and development research, and strives to contribute its knowledge on a national and international level. Its main research areas include, for example, climate change and protection, environmental protection technology, and sustainable development. The centre is also responsible for organising interdisciplinary research projects and symposia, as well as compiling and applying the research results to other regions and countries.

Research Groups

As part of Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), the Institute of Environmental Technology and Energy Economics (IUE) is not only interested in environmental questions, but also looks into the the intersection of the environment and the economy. This includes topics such as the cost of fossil fuels against the cost of renewable energies. The IUE researches in six main areas: waste resources management, anaerobic systems, energy system analysis, renewable energies, ecotoxicology and environmental technology.

The so-called Energieforschungsverband Hamburg (EFH) is a network of five higher education institutes: Universität Hamburg (UHH), Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW), Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), HafenCity University (HCU) and the Helmut Schmidt Universität. Together they promote cooperation in the field of energy research.