Residents Neighbourhoods


Under Danish rule for much of its history before becoming an independent German city, Altona only joined Hamburg in 1937.

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Once a thriving fishing town under Danish rule, Altona only became part of Hamburg in 1938. Popular belief has it that Altona owes its name to its close vicinity to Hamburg. Supposedly, Hamburg's merchants considered their rival to the west 'all zu nah' ('far too close'), which over time became Altona.

Shopping, beach and more

Today, Altona is Hamburg's western-most district, stretching from hip Sternschanze all the way to quaint Rissen, located some 15 kilometres further west. The district's main transport hub is Altona train station. West of the train tracks lies Ottensen, a popular shopping district with plenty of restaurants to boot. Altona-Altstadt and Altona-Nord, located on the other side of the railway station, are popular residential neighbourhoods. Green and spacious Bahrenfeld is best known for its Volkspark Stadium, which is home to football club HSV. Along the river Elbe is charming Othmarschen with its popular Elbe river beach, as well as picturesque Blankenese, known for its Mediterranean feel and panoramic river views.

District office

Bezirksamt Altona
Platz der Republik 1
22765 Hamburg