Residents Green
Green Hamburg

Hydrogen Strategy for Northern Germany

The Hydrogen Strategy for North Germany results from the close cooperation of business, research and administration.

Christian Spahrbier

The Hydrogen Strategy for North Germany is the result of close cooperation between a number of Federal States and of comprehensive and constructive involvement of active players from the areas of business, research and administration. Compared to other regions, North Germany features unparalleled locational advantages for establishing a ‘green’ hydrogen economy. These include:

- Great generating capacity for onshore and offshore wind-generated electricity with further expansion potential

- Underground formations for storing hydrogen

- Seaports whose import terminals will play decisive roles as logistics and business hubs when it comes to importing and distributing green hydrogen and synthetic energy carriers, as well as for using hydrogen and exporting hydrogen-related technology and components

- Maritime enterprises and scientific expertise

- Industry sectors with significant experience in handling hydrogen

Additional know-how is being generated in the six North German 'Regulatory Sandboxes for the Energy Transition'.

For more information on these developments, read the Hydrogen Strategy for North Germany from the Ministries of Economy and Transport of the North German Coastal States.