Residents Green

Green Hamburg

Parks, nature reserves and protection: Plenty of environmental projects make Hamburg one of Germany's greenest cities.

Green Hamburg / Geheimtipp Hamburg
Green Hamburg

Fahrrad~TRENN~kampagne Hamburg

The Fahrradkampagne Hamburg promotes bicycle use in the city with many different events and activities.

Malte Metag
Sustainable Music Open Air

Futur 2 Festival

More than just another open air music event, the Futur 2 is an experiment in the creation of sustainable public festivals.

Thorsten Schier / Fotolia
Innovation and efficiency

Green Heat

The east of Hamburg’s HafenCity district is supplied with heat from copper production.

Jan Petersen
Untouched Nature

Quiet Hamburg

Every neighbourhood has its beautiful green areas, but nature becomes more pristine the farther you head into Hamburg’s more rural parts.

Florian Besser / Behörde für Umwelt und Energie
Free, fun, eco-friendly

GreenKayak Initiative

GreenKayak offers free paddling trips on the Alster. All you have to do is pick up some waste along the way and everybody wins.

imago stock & people / Christian Ohde
Green Hamburg

Green Network

Hamburg is a remarkably green city — and that’s no coincidence. Green Network Hamburg has been nearly 100 years in the making. / Andreas Vallbracht
Green Procurement Guidelines

Exploiting purchasing power

Green Procurement Guidelines make Hamburg a purchasing pioneer.

Green Hamburg

Green Roofs

Completed in 2024, the gardens on the St. Pauli Bunker are just the latest project in a long series of ambitious green roofs.

Hamburg’s Agency for the Environment and Energy
Green Hamburg

Green Trees, Green City

Urban trees are the masters of survival. Learn more about Hamburg’s trees in this short video.

Sabine Vielmo
Programme and Objectives

Hamburg’s Year as European Green Capital

Having been awarded the title of European Green Capital, Hamburg had set itself the goals of advancing its own environmental protection in a sustainable fashion and of conceptually developing its environmental policy.

Christian Spahrbier
Green Hamburg

Hydrogen Strategy for Northern Germany

The Hydrogen Strategy for North Germany results from the close cooperation of business, research and administration.

Green Hamburg

The KEHR.WIEDER Initiative

More than 250 Hamburg cafés offer customers discounts for bringing reusable containers.

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