Residents Construction
Construction cranes in HafenCity reflect the light of the setting sun.
Construction Projects

Hamburg Is Developing Its Cityscape

Here is an overview of the most important ongoing projects in the fields of architecture, construction, infrastructure and urban development.

Ongoing Projects

wikimedia commons / NordNordWest

Underground Line U5

The construction of the U5 train line will better connect Hamburg's neighbourhoods with the city centre and important infrastructure.

Pascal Treichler / Pixabay
New Mobility Measures

Public Transport Plans

Hamburg has big plans to alleviate traffic congestion and connect commercial and residential areas with the city centre by expanding public transport.

Moka-studio / aerial picture: Matthias Friedel / POLA Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH

Hamburger Deckel

Smoother traffic, less noise and more green areas: Hamburg is roofing the A7, connecting neighbourhoods in the western districts.

SIGNA Chipperfield


On the eastern tip of the futuristic HafenCity district, the construction of Hamburg’s tallest skyscraper commenced in 2021.

Spengler Wiescholek Architekten Stadtplaner, WES GmbH Landschaftsarchitekten, Urban Catalyst GmbH Visualisierung: Moka-studio / Matthias Friedel
Science & Research

Science City Bahrenfeld

Science City Bahrenfeld is coming. Hamburg's newest district blends innovation, research, commerce, and modern living.