Residents Civil Services Guide Urban Planning
Concepts and Strategies

Hamburg's Urban Development Objectives

Hamburg is constantly developing its cityscape to become a greener, more inclusive city to live in. Here is an overview of current urban development objectives.

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HafenCity GmbH/BKK-3 Architekten Wien

Hamburg is growing: people from Germany and abroad alike are drawn to the bank of the Elbe river.  By 2030, the population is expected to increase to just under 2 million, with 50,000 new households looking for housing. Such population growth is a challenge for Hamburg – but also a great opportunity: based on this thesis, the Behörde für Stadtentwicklung und Wohnen (Department of Urban Development and Housing) is contributing to the further development of the city.

Objectives of Hamburg’s Urban Development

This brochure on urban development opportunities identifies aims and fields of action for spatial development which can strengthen and expand Hamburg’s profile. The dynamic development in Hamburg is presented in four chapters and enhanced with elaborate plans:

More city in the city
New housing construction, new open spaces, pathways and social infrastructure as well as the mixed use of different development concepts will improve quality of life and make neighbourhoods more lively.

The inclusive city
The benchmark for inclusive urban development is to find adequate and affordable housing in a neighbourhood with a high quality of life and at the same time to be able to access barrier-free education for everyone.

Green and environment-friendly city
Providing urban green spaces as well as nature- and climate-protection will be maintained and further developed with focus on sustainability. Ecological development will be balanced with both social and economic responsibility.

Urban development in the business metropolis
Hamburg is proud of its port in the middle of the city, its transportation infrastructure, and its industrial centre. Besides promoting production and services, research and development are planned to grow together in the same location.