Residents Civil Services Guide Saving Energy
Image composite of a toy house with different tools and a thermostat, with euro notes in foreground
Civil Services

Saving Energy

Using less energy is the first step towards independence from fossil fuels and curbing gas and oil imports. Not only is using less energy better for the environment and key for the struggle against climate change, but it can also save serious money. Here are some tips on how to cut back on energy use at home and in every-day situations.

Saving Energy

Imago / YAY Images
Saving Energy

Home Heating

Reducing the room temperature by 1 °C can save about 7% heating energy. But how to do that? Read our collection of tips on efficient heating.

Imago / Shotshop
Saving Energy

Save Hot Water

Saving water has never been more important than today. Read our advice on reducing hot water use in every-day situations to save water, energy and money.

Imago / agefotostock
Saving Energy

Electronic Devices

Home electronic devices use a great deal of energy – even when we aren't using them. Many can work on lower settings. Read our tips to save power, energy and money.

Imago / imagebroker
Saving Energy

Energy-Efficient Mobility

Saving on petrol when driving in the city is a great way to save on both money and fossil fuels and make an important contribution to the environment.

Imago / Imagebroker

Ventilation and Mould Prevention

Many buildings in Germany are prone to mould. Proper ventilation is important for keeping the apartment free from spores – and the landlord at bay.