The local Hamburg Service offices for residents' affairs, formerly known as Einwohnermeldeamt or Kundenzentrum, provide services concerning registration, ID cards and passports. Residents can apply for, renew and have passports and ID cards issued at these offices. They can also make full use of administrative services regarding registration and changes in address. While the registration of a change in address for one-person households within Hamburg is one of the services now also offered completely online, no longer requiring a visit to the civil authorities. Residents can also call at the service offices for registration certificates, officially certified copies of documents or authentication for the Service Account Plus among other services.
In addition, the Hamburg service vor Ort offices offer administrative services from other authorities, such as dog registration and fishing licences, as well as the official procedure of deregistering from one of Germany’s official churches.
Booking Appointments
Please make an appointment prior to your visit, as residents' affairs office services are offered by pre-arranged appointment only. Regardless of your place of residence, book an appointment at the most convenient office location to reduce waiting time, provided that there are slots available.
Click here for the online booking system: Digitales Terminmanagement (
The only exception is for declarations of commitment (Verpflichtungserklärung) with a termination period within 90 days, which can only be submitted to the Hamburg Service office responsible for your place of residence; please contact the local offices in Bergedorf and Billstedt in advance for these services via email. Declarations of commitment (Verpflichtungserklärungen) with a termination period of more than 90 days are processed at the Hamburg Service vor Ort offices for foreigners' affairs.
Release of New Appointments
At all Hamburg Service vor Ort offices, new appointments are released each day at 7 a.m. and at 10 a.m. for the same day, for the following 14 days, and for the following 5 weeks. If your most convenient appointment cannot be booked, please try again at a later date.
Please contact us if you cannot keep an appointment you have booked in advance. Around 10% of booked appointments are not kept, resulting in lower availability and longer overall waiting times.
Appointments by Phone
Those who cannot or do not wish to make their appointment online may make an appointment on the phone. Hamburg Service is available on the phone for making appointments and other queries Mon–Fri from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the universal service hotline 115.