The Jugendinformationszentrum (JIZ; lit. ‘Information Centre for Young Adults’) provides young adult with information on almost all topics that might be of interest to them. These include vocational training, professional work, school, university and further education, legal and social issues, finances, housing, politics and the environment, holidays and travelling, leisure time and cultural activities.
With plenty of points of contact and research materials on these topics, the JIZ helps young adults find their way through the maze of institutions and authorities, public offices and services in Hamburg.
The JIZ offers youth education institutions, organisations and initiatives as well as other organisers concerned with education and training for young adults opportunities to present their activities and events, and gives them a platform for increasing their recognition among JIZ clients.
Anyone who has questions regarding the relationship between young people and the media (Jugendmedienschutz, lit. ‘youth media protection’) can find information at the JIZ. They will give advice on media that might be harmful to young people (Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Medien; BPjM), on the German motion picture rating system (Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle; FSK) and other voluntary rating systems for the protection of children and young adults in Germany. They also have expert knowledge on current developments and problems significant to child and youth culture and therefore give young people and teaching staff important information on the technologies of new media.
The JIZ also distributes the Hamburger Ferienpass, a voucher programme that gives Hamburg children the opportunity to enjoy exciting and diverse holidays and activities in and around Hamburg at reduced rates or even free of charge.
The JIZ has comprehensive and current list of services available to young people on the Hamburger Jugendserver. Besides an address database, this internet platform contains up-to-date information, an event calendar and a list of all brochures on JIZ-related topics. With 100,000 visitors and over 300,000 page views annually, the JIZ youth portal has grown into an important hub of information and centre for social work for children and young adults.
Contact Information
Tel: (+49) 040 42823 4801
Instagram: jiz_hamburg
Jugendinformationszentrum Hamburg (JIZ)
Dammtorstraße 14
20354 Hamburg