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Civic Education

State Agency for Civic Education

The Landeszentrale für politische Bildung provides residents with information and support on all matters of civic education.

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Landeszentrale für politische Bildung

About us

The Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Hamburg (‘State Agency for Civic Education in Hamburg’) was founded in 1974. It is part of the Behörde für Schulen und Berufsbildung (‘Ministry of School and Vocational Education’) of the City of Hamburg and the central service point for civic education in the federal state of Hamburg.

The State Agency for Civic Education fulfils a public mandate: after all, civic education is a duty of the state towards its residents.

What we do

With its own publications, seminars, events and projects, the State Agency for Civic Education provides citizens in Hamburg with information and orientation, advice and support in all matters of civic education. It also promotes civic education programmes by other institutions in Hamburg through financial contributions.

Other tasks and responsibilities of the State Agency for Civic Education include:

  • Conception, planning and realisation of events
  • Creation of their own publications
  • Selection, acquisition and distribution of publications on civic education in the information shop
  • Workshops and seminars on Hamburg's political system and institutions (e.g. for school groups, senior citizens, or people new to Hamburg or even to Germany)
  • information and projects relevant to political events, for example before elections

Info point

Hamburg citizens can pick up information free of charge at the State Agency for Civic Education info point during opening hours (see below). Unfortunately, the info point cannot send out material or hand out large volumes, e.g. for classes. Groups planning to visit the State Agency of Civic Education as part of their educational programme are asked to call ahead for an appointment (see below).

The info point always has the latest brochures and leaflets on the Hamburg parliament in stock, as well as the Grundgesetz (Basic Law), the Hamburg Constitution, and publications on democracy and politics in Hamburg, Germany and Europe in the past and present.


Info point address
Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Hamburg
Dammtorwall 1
20354 Hamburg
Opening hours: Monday–Thursday 1.30–6 p.m.; Friday 1.30–4.30 p.m.

Tel: (+49) 040 42823 4802
