Hamburg.deHamburg ServiceResults for "Prevent"

17 Services found for "Prevent"

Social assistance Health assistance

Persons without health insurance who only receive short-term assistance to cover their living expenses may be entitled to health benefits.

Declaration of revocation of the child’s consent to the adoption

If you have already consented to your own adoption or your own stepchild adoption in the family court, but this has not yet been pronounced, you can revoke your consent. This requires a public certification.

Apply for care assistance

Care assistance is a needs-based social benefit to support people in need of care who cannot cover the necessary care costs from their own resources.

Authorization to carry out preventive occupational health examinations

Doctors require authorization to provide medical supervision of occupationally exposed persons in the field of radiation protection.

Apply for a permit under the accident prevention law for the construction and operation or modification of a facility that does not require a permit

If you construct or make a change to a facility that is part of an operating area and does not require a permit, and which has major accident-related effects, you will need a permit.

Apply for grants for preventive measures for cattle

You can receive financial support for cattle to detect damage caused by epizootics or other animal diseases at an early stage. This support also applies to measures to prevent, control, monitor and eradicate animal diseases.

Apply for grants for preventive measures for sheep and goats

They may receive aid for measures to prevent, control, monitor and eradicate animal diseases in sheep and goats.

Money laundering prevention

Terrorist financing is the financing of terrorist organizations from legal sources and funds obtained through criminal activities, such as money laundering. Money laundering is used to smuggle illegally earned money into the legal financial and ...

Apply for grants for preventive measures

You can receive financial support to prevent and combat damage caused by epizootics or other animal diseases, as well as for measures from monitoring and animal health programs.

Measures for the detection and prevention of dental diseases for those with health insurance

Dental check-ups serve to examine the teeth and oral cavity in detail in order to be able to identify and treat any tooth, mouth and jaw diseases at an early stage.

Receive advice and support from the Youth Welfare Office in family court proceedings

The Youth Welfare Office supports and advises you in family court proceedings.