Hamburg.deHamburg ServiceResults for "Hanseatic"

67 Services found for "Hanseatic"

Hanseatic Higher Regional Court, library

The HOLG library is a specialist legal library that is open to the general public.

Hanseatic Higher Regional Court, post office

Processing of incoming and outgoing mail. Initialization of electronic mailboxes.

Hanseatic Higher Regional Court, personnel position for the legal preparatory service

Here you can reach the staff for HR administration and contact persons for all questions relating to recruitment and training for the legal traineeship.

Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, applications

You have the opportunity to apply for advertised positions in the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. Unsolicited applications cannot usually be considered. You can find all job advertisements in the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg under Jobs, ...

Street and area directory of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg

Here you will find information about Hamburg streets and territorial responsibilities.

District courts, deadline-keeping mailbox

A mailbox is available outside of the joint acceptance point's opening hours (Mon-Fri 6:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.). This is located at one of the doors at the main entrance to the civil justice building and is only intended for mail to the Hamburg ...

Apply for admission to the second legal examination outside of the public-law training relationship

The legal clerkship usually ends after two years with the second state examination for lawyers. This is taken at the joint examination office of the states of Free Hanseatic City of Bremen, Free Hanseatic City of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein.

Authority number 115

You will receive information about services provided by the Hamburg administration and other public institutions

hand in lost property

If you find a lost item worth more than 10 euros, you must hand it in.

Blind money

Blind people and people who are on an equal footing with blind people due to the degree of impairment of their vision receive blind allowance to compensate for the additional expenses caused by blindness - regardless of whether they are gainfully ...

Authentication for the Service Account Plus

The online service is the basis for communication between different IT processes of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg and you as a user.