Hamburg.deHamburg ServiceResults for "Handicap"

14 Services found for "Handicap"

Motor vehicle tax Hamburg

The customs administration has been responsible for vehicle taxation in Hamburg since March 14, 2014. From this point on, tax cases are processed by the responsible main customs office in Hamburg-Stadt. Questions about the taxation of a motor vehicle ...

Traffic signs, arrangement of assembly and dismantling

The erection and dismantling of traffic signs and traffic facilities (including temporary no-stopping zones for removals or construction work) is ordered by the road traffic authority. In Hamburg, this is the local police station or water police ...

Help for the blind

Eligible are blind people and people who are equal to blind people due to the degree of impairment of their vision and who do not exceed the income and asset limits. The prerequisite is that the severely handicapped pass contains the mark BL.

Apply for a disability pass

If you have been diagnosed with a degree of disability of at least 50, you can apply for a severely disabled person's pass. If your severely disabled person's pass expires or you have lost it, you can apply for a new one.

Apply for a disability assessment

If you have a disability, you can apply for your disability to be recognised. This will also determine the degree of your disability.

Housing promotion

For the Hamburgische Investitions- und Förderbank (IFB), housing promotion remains a main part of their work - as was the case with the former housing loan institution. Both the path to owning your own home and the construction and modernization of ...

Providing wheelchair-accessible living space

Providing wheelchair-accessible living space for the entire city area to households that rely on a wheelchair-accessible apartment.

Hamburg Investment and Development Bank

The Hamburgische Wohnungsbaukreditanstalt (WK) has been called Hamburgische Investitions- und Förderbank (IFB Hamburg) since August 1, 2013. The previous business activities of the WK will continue to be run under the new name without restriction. At ...

Motor vehicle tax Hamburg - tax breaks for severely disabled people

For vehicles that are registered for severely disabled people, the Motor Vehicle Tax Act provides tax breaks in the form of a full tax exemption or a tax reduction of 50 percent. The type of tax relief is determined by the characteristics that are ...