Hamburg.deHamburg ServiceResults for "Freelance"

5 Services found for "Freelance"

Register a company, business, trade or self-employment for tax purposes

If you start a business, become involved in a business or become self-employed, you must inform the relevant authority immediately.

Apply for an extension of a residence permit for the purpose of employment for freelancers

Under certain conditions, you can apply to extend your temporary residence permit to pursue freelance work if you wish to continue pursuing your freelance work in Germany.

Electronic submission obligation, income tax returns

Since the assessment period 2011, citizens with income from profits (that is, income from commercial operations, agriculture and forestry or from freelance or self-employed activities) have been obliged to submit their income tax return ...

Tax number, allocation

A tax number is issued by the tax office to all taxpayers who have to submit a tax return or who have already submitted one. Each tax number is clearly assigned to a taxpayer (spouses / partners who are assessed together have a common tax number) ...