Hamburg.deHamburg ServiceResults for "Foundation"

16 Services found for "Foundation"

Foundation of a day care center

Facilities in which children are cared for all day or for part of the day require permission from the responsible authority to operate. You, as the operator of the facility, must apply for permission. If you want to run a daycare center as an ...

Access to the foundation directory/ foundation database

If you need information about the legally responsible foundations based in Hamburg, you can consult the directory/database online.

dissolution of a foundation

Under certain conditions, a foundation will be dissolved ex officio.

Cancellation or dissolution of a foundation

The self-dissolution of a foundation is not permitted. A foundation can only be cancelled or dissolved with the approval of the supervisory authority and in a formal procedure.

Apply for recognition of a legal foundation

You, as a natural or legal person (associations, companies), can apply to the authority responsible for foundation supervision for the establishment or recognition of a foundation with legal capacity.

Make changes to the foundation directory

If you, as a foundation, wish to make a change in the foundation register, please report this to the responsible foundation authority.

Application for a certificate of representation for a foundation

If you need a certificate of representation for the board of directors of your foundation, you can apply for one from the competent foundation supervisory authority.

Apply for approval of an amendment to the articles of association of a foundation

If you want to change the statutes of a legal foundation, you can only do so under certain foundation law conditions with the approval of the competent foundation supervisory authority.

Recognize non-profit organization

As a non-profit organization, you can benefit from tax incentives.

Apply for pregnancy conflict counseling recognition

If you want to set up a pregnancy conflict counseling center, you must apply for recognition.

Register business

If you start a permanent business, you must register it at the same time.