Hamburg.deHamburg ServiceResults for "Fairs"

12 Services found for "Fairs"

Request the establishment of fairs, exhibitions or markets

If you want to have an event scheduled, you must submit an application to the responsible authority. The schedule is voluntary, but scheduled events are exempt from certain legal requirements.

Change the location of trade fairs, exhibitions or markets

You can have the schedule of a trade fair, exhibition or market changed.

Cancelling the regulations for trade fairs, exhibitions or markets

You can have the designation of a trade fair, exhibition or market cancelled.

Apply for an event

If you want to have an event recorded, you must apply for this. There is no obligation to schedule an event. Scheduled events are exempt from certain requirements.

Stop and park, fair parking in Hamburg

Section 1 of the road traffic regulations already requires mutual consideration for all road users. This is even more true when it comes to parking, because all motorists deserve a fair chance at a parking space. The city of Hamburg is trying to ...

Apply to attend an event

If you want to take part in an event as a commercial person or company, you need confirmation.

Home affairs, cost regulation

Within Hamburg The basic security and social service office in whose area the applicant last lived is responsible for applying for and approving the costs of an inpatient care facility within Hamburg. Responsibility for previous self-payers always ...

New application for housing benefit

If you can cover your other living expenses and part of the rent or burden with your own income, you can check whether you are also entitled to housing benefit. To apply, please fill out an application form and enclose the relevant evidence.

Apply for a testamentary executor's certificate

If you have been appointed as executor in a will or inheritance contract, you can apply for a corresponding certificate of executorship.