If you are unable to finance a necessary legal dispute yourself, your spouse or life partner may be required to provide you with an advance on legal costs, provided this is equitable.
If you have been sentenced to evacuate your apartment and the eviction is imminent (an eviction date has been set by the bailiff), you can apply for eviction protection no later than 2 weeks before the eviction date.
Do you feel discriminated against by a public authority in Hamburg because of your disability? The arbitration board under the Hamburg Disability Equality Act (HmbBGG) is responsible for settling disputes out of court.
The Public Legal Advice Service, ÖRA, offers legal advice on all legal issues by experienced specialists for people who live in Hamburg and have only a low income. Consultations take place at the ÖRA headquarters (Dammtorstraße 14) and at the ...
If you have problems or conflicts in the exercise of parental responsibility or visitation rights, parenting and family counseling centers offer you support and advice.
If you are threatened with homelessness due to rent arrears or rent disputes or if you live in a homeless shelter, we will give you help in the form of advice on how to keep your home or rent a suitable apartment.