Hamburg.deHamburg ServiceResults for "Disco"

10 Services found for "Disco"

Immission control

Monitoring of commercial operations and technical systems with regard to noise, air, light and vibrations.

Apply for sibling discount for childcare facility

If several of your children attend a daycare facility or are looked after in child day care at the same time, you can apply for a reduction in the parental contribution.

Report the discovery of an abandoned or stray pet in Hamburg

If you have found a lost or abandoned pet in Hamburg, you must report this to the responsible authority.

Social discount

The city of Hamburg offers a social discount on HVV season tickets for certain service recipients.

Commercial complaint

You can report information about violations by a business.

Submit a measurement report on individual measurements of air pollutants in large combustion plants, gas turbines and combustion engine plants

If you operate a large combustion plant, gas turbine or combustion engine plant, you must have the pollutant emissions checked regularly through individual measurements. You must prepare a measurement report on the results of the individual measurements.

Motor vehicle tax Hamburg

The customs administration has been responsible for vehicle taxation in Hamburg since March 14, 2014. From this point on, tax cases are processed by the responsible main customs office in Hamburg-Stadt. Questions about the taxation of a motor vehicle ...

Apply for a commitment card

If you volunteer, you can, under certain conditions, receive a commitment card in recognition of your achievements and receive discounts from participating partners.

Apply for a restaurant permit

If you want to run a catering business that serves alcohol, you generally need a permit.

Oak processionary moth on private land

The oak processionary moth is an inconspicuous gray-brown moth with a wingspan of 25 to 30 mm. The butterfly species bears its name because of its peculiarity to move one behind the other or next to one another in search of food in the evening, ...