To obtain the documents for entry in the list of foreign companies - consulting engineers - please visit the website of the Hamburg Chamber of Civil Engineers.
To obtain the documents for the registration of professional associations with the protected designation of consulting engineer, please visit the website of the Hamburg Chamber of Civil Engineers (see link - Hamburg Chamber of Civil Engineers -).
You might wish to start the independent operation of a trade or trade that does not require a license as a permanent trade. In this case, you must report this immediately to the Chamber of Crafts responsible for the place of business.
You may have a legitimate interest in information from the register of owners of a license-free trade or a trade similar to a trade. You can obtain this information from the responsible chamber of crafts.
The self-dissolution of a foundation is not permitted. A foundation can only be cancelled or dissolved with the approval of the supervisory authority and in a formal procedure.
Sometimes a car that is not registered still has to be driven on public roads for a short time. In Germany, there are so-called red license plates for such short trips.