Hamburg.deHamburg ServiceResults for "Detection"

12 Services found for "Detection"

Social assistance Health assistance

Persons without health insurance who only receive short-term assistance to cover their living expenses may be entitled to health benefits.

File a criminal complaint for fraud

If you are aware of a crime, you can file a report.

Report hatred and hate speech online

If you have become aware of hate and incitement on the Internet, you can file a report.

file a criminal complaint

If you are aware of a crime, you can file a report.

Others file criminal charges

If you are aware of a crime, you can file a report.

Early detection examinations for children U6 / U7, invitation

Screening tests help determine that a child is developing healthily. In this way, diseases and developmental delays can be identified and treated in good time. The costs for the examinations are covered by all statutory and most private health ...

Waste and disposal - electronic waste detection procedure (eANV)

Since April 1st, 2010, the electronic waste verification procedure with a qualified electronic signature of the parties involved has been mandatory as verification procedure for the disposal of hazardous waste.

Detection procedure for the disposal of waste

The disposal of hazardous waste is subject to verification. If you want to know more about it, please read on.

Receive dental services for the prevention and early detection of dental diseases

In order to prevent dental diseases or to detect them at an early stage, you as a person with health insurance can take advantage of preventive dental services.

Get information about prenatal care

The health insurance company covers the costs of the early detection examinations and tests necessary during your pregnancy.