Hamburg.deHamburg ServiceResults for "Deregister"

10 Services found for "Deregister"

deregister business

If you give up a permanent business, you must deregister it at the same time.

Deregister the secondary residence

If you move out of a secondary residence and do not move into another residence in Germany, you must deregister for this residence.

Deregister apartment

If you move out of your apartment and do not move into another apartment in Germany, you must deregister.

Deregister dog

If you no longer keep your dog in your municipality of residence, deregister him with the responsible authority.

Deregister your business with the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce

If you give up a permanent business, you must deregister it at the same time.

Deregister your business with the Hamburg Chamber of Crafts

If you give up a permanent business, you must deregister it at the same time.

Deregistration of a property from the land register

You can apply to have your property removed from the land register if you are exempt from the registration obligation.

Registering and deregistering dog tax

You must register your dog in the dog register in Hamburg. The dog tax will then be recorded automatically. You can also register your dog with the relevant authority for dog tax, especially if you wish to apply for exemptions or reductions

Notify the appointment or departure of a radiation protection officer

As the person responsible for radiation protection in a company, you are obliged to inform the responsible authority about the appointment and termination of radiation protection officers.

Motor vehicles, vehicle sales without a sales contract, deregistration

If the purchaser of a vehicle does not fulfill his obligation to re-register or de-register, the Landesbetrieb Verkehr (LBV) can initiate the decommissioning ex officio. The following case constellations come into play here: The previous keeper or ...