Hamburg.deHamburg ServiceResults for "Departure"

4 Services found for "Departure"

Notify the appointment or departure of a radiation protection officer

As the person responsible for radiation protection in a company, you are obliged to inform the responsible authority about the appointment and termination of radiation protection officers.

Obtain a certificate of miscarriage

You can report a miscarriage to the registry office. If you wish, the registry office will issue you with a certificate of the miscarriage.

Get advice on voluntary return to your country of origin

If you can no longer or no longer want to stay in Germany, you can get advice on voluntary return.

Apply for an extension of the residence permit for the purpose of seeking a training place to complete qualified vocational training

You should apply for an extension of your residence permit in good time before the expiry of your residence permit in order to look for a training place for qualified vocational training.