If you are about to lose your home, you should contact the department for housing emergencies in your district directly. If necessary, this can take over rent arrears as a loan or aid. You will also take over the negotiations to prevent an imminent ...
If you are threatened with homelessness due to rent arrears or rent disputes or if you live in a homeless shelter, we will give you help in the form of advice on how to keep your home or rent a suitable apartment.
If you are legally established as a debt collection service provider in another member state of the European Union, in another state party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area or in Switzerland, you may practice this profession ...
If you receive citizen's allowance and have difficulties finding a job due to your personal life situation, you can take advantage of advice and support services.
From 01.01.2013 there will be a nationwide list of debtors, the enforcement portal. In the future, the courts will not provide any information about the content of the new debtor directory either by telephone or in writing! Premature deletions from ...
Would you like to offer legal services temporarily and occasionally and are already working as a legal service provider with a branch in another European country? If so, you must notify the competent authority of this under certain conditions.
A loan can be granted in individual cases to take over debts to secure accommodation or a comparable emergency (e.g. energy cost arrears). In principle, a loan can also be granted if the supply of food cannot be ensured or the items necessary to ...
If a person owes you money from an enforcement title, e.g. a judgment or an enforcement order, and does not meet their payment obligation, you can commission a bailiff to enforce your monetary claim. You can decide what the bailiff should do for you. ...
Anyone who has become an heir must decide whether to accept or reject the inheritance. If you do not want to accept an inheritance, you can declare your rejection of the inheritance to a notary, have it certified and submit it to the probate court.
If you have decided not to accept an inheritance, you must expressly renounce the inheritance. The declaration of renunciation must be made either in person at an appointment before the probate court or before a notary.
The liability offices of the regional tax offices process liability claims for tax debts in accordance with the provisions of the tax code and civil law. This includes both the examination of liability claims and the implementation of liability proceedings.