Hamburg.deHamburg ServiceResults for "Bebauungsplanung"

12 Services found for "Bebauungsplanung"

View announcements in the development plan procedure

You can find out about ongoing planning procedures and their details by viewing the public notices.

Inspect a designated redevelopment area

You have the right to inspect a redevelopment statute for a redevelopment area.

Take a look at a defined urban development area

You have the right to inspect a development statute for an urban development area.

Participate in the creation of a redevelopment area

You can participate in the preparatory studies for urban redevelopment measures

View a development plan

You have the right to inspect a development plan.

Participate in the preparation of the land use plan

You can participate in the creation or amendment of a land use plan.

Participate in the creation of an integrated urban development concept

You can participate in the creation of an integrated urban development concept.

View a joint land use plan

You have the right to inspect a joint land use plan.

Participate in the creation of an urban development area

You can participate in the preparatory studies for an urban development measure.

Participate in the preparation of a joint land use plan

You can participate in the creation or amendment of a joint land use plan.

Development plan information

The purpose of development plans is to prepare and direct the construction and other use of the land. Development plans regulate, among other things, the construction and non-construction use of the land.