Hamburg.deHamburg ServiceResults for "Assignment"

10 Services found for "Assignment"

Assignment of a property in the land register

You own several properties and would like them to be registered in the land register as a single property.

Change of content, change of priority, assignment, attachment of land mortgages

The land charges registered in the land register, such as land charges or mortgages, can be changed subsequently.

Deregister apartment

If you move out of your apartment and do not move into another apartment in Germany, you must deregister.

parenting assignment

With a guardianship, you can give a third party responsibility for your child. This person can, for example, accompany your child to a club, even if the stay exceeds the age or time limits of the Youth Protection Act.

Tax number, allocation

A tax number is issued by the tax office to all taxpayers who have to submit a tax return or who have already submitted one. Each tax number is clearly assigned to a taxpayer (spouses / partners who are assessed together have a common tax number) ...

Simplified allocation in the zoning plan

The development plan represents the goals of urban planning and urban development.

Application for approval according to § 51 BauGB

Your property is located in a reallocation area within the framework of the land reorganization. Then you need a permit for certain dispositions and changes according to § 51 BauGB.

Apply for an EU certificate according to the professional recognition directive

If you would like to provide certain services in other EU countries, you will need the EU certificate as proof of your professional experience for some EU countries (e.g. Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg).

Tax identification number, allocation to refugees and asylum seekers (BZSt)

With the introduction of the tax identification number (IdNr), the Federal Ministry of Finance and the Federal Government want to simplify the taxation process and reduce bureaucracy.