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Application as an election worker

If you want to become an election worker, you must apply


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Detailed description

As an election worker, you take on an important voluntary role that supports the proper conduct of elections. Your tasks include handing out ballot papers at the polling station, monitoring compliance with election guidelines and then counting the votes to determine the election result. Alternatively, you can be part of a postal voting committee that counts the votes from postal voting documents.




To work as an election worker, you must be eligible to vote in the respective election.
The requirements vary depending on your choice:
Federal elections: You must be German and at least 18 years old.
State elections: You must be German, at least 16 years old and registered in Hamburg.
European elections: You must be a German or EU citizen and at least 16 years old.
District assembly elections: You must be a German or EU citizen, at least 16 years old and registered in Hamburg.
Referendums and citizenship referendums: You must be German, at least 16 years old and registered in Hamburg.
No previous knowledge is required for this job.

Documents required


Please note

The next current election date is the election to the 21st German Bundestag on February 23, 2025, followed by the election to the Hamburg Parliament on March 2, 2025.




You can apply to be an election worker via the online service. The election office of the respective district office will then contact you and coordinate your assignment with you.

Processing time

Processing usually takes 1 week.


For work as an election assistant in Hamburg, an appropriate expense allowance is paid.

Legal remedies


Legal basis

§ 11 Federal Election Act (BWahlG):

§ 5 European Election Act (EuWG):

§ 42 Law on the Election to the Hamburg Parliament (BüWG):

§ 38 Law on Elections to District Assemblies (BezVWG):

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Keywords: Electoral boards, voluntary registration Electoral board, voluntary registration Electoral officer, voluntary registration Election workers, voluntary report Voting assistant Electoral district management, voluntary reporting Election worker poll worker Apply for a poll worker Apply for poll workers Choose Volunteer elections poll workers

Last updated: 13.02.2025