Detailed description
Sales tax is also commonly known as value added tax. You are subject in particular
• Deliveries and other services,
• the import of items from non-EU countries – the resulting import sales tax is levied by customs – and
• the procurement of goods from the countries of the European Union, the so-called intra-community acquisition.
The amount of the tax differs depending on the type of delivery items
or other services performed:
• general tax rate: 19 percent
• Reduced tax rate: 7 percent , applies to, for example
- the delivery of almost all groceries, excluding drinks and
- Hospitality sales (note also the exceptions below),
- for public transport,
- the carriage of people by rail and
- for sales of books and newspapers.
Due to the corona pandemic, the following exceptions applied or apply:
• Temporary reduction in tax rates from 19 to 16 percent and from 7 to 5 percent from July 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020
• for catering and catering services – with the exception of
Beverages – was or is valid
• from July 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020 the tax rate of 5 percent and
• from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2023 the tax rate of 7 percent.
You have to pay/remit the sales tax for your company to the tax office. In return, however, you can regularly reclaim the input tax, i.e. the sales tax on incoming invoices. Calculate the difference in the sales tax advance return.
Pre-registration period
If the sales tax for the previous calendar year was more than EUR 7,500, you must submit monthly sales tax advance returns in the current year. If the total for the previous year's tax is more than EUR 1,000 to EUR 7,500, you must submit the advance return on a quarterly basis .
If it was not more than EUR 1,000, the tax office can exempt you from submitting advance sales tax returns. In this case, only one annual sales tax return to transmit.
If there was a surplus in your favor of more than EUR 7,500 for the previous calendar year, you can choose the calendar month as the pre-registration period instead of the calendar quarter. This decision applies to the entire calendar year. The right to vote is valid until February 10th. of the current year. If you start an entrepreneurial activity for the first time, the expected tax for the current calendar year is decisive with regard to the amount limits mentioned above. In the following year, the actual tax for the previous year must be converted into an annual tax.
You are not obliged to submit a monthly sales tax advance return if
• You only carry out VAT-exempt transactions that exclude input tax deduction,
• You are a small business owner and do not have a VAT number or
• You make use of the special regulation for flat-rate farmers and foresters.