Hamburg.deHamburg ServiceStudied at the Hamburg University of Music and...administration


Studied at the Hamburg University of Music and Theater


Detailed description

The Hamburg University of Music and Theater, with its three deans of studies, offers artistic and academic training in all classical areas of music and theater, but also in more academic areas such as music education, musicology, music therapy, or culture and media management. In the theater academy, which was founded in 2005, directors for opera and drama, dramaturges, opera and lied singers and actors are trained. The university has switched its courses to the new, two-stage study model of the Bachelor (eight semester) and Master’s courses (usually four semesters), thereby replacing the previous diploma courses. A major innovation in the instrumental and vocal Bachelor's degree programs is the merging of the artistic and pedagogical study content that was previously offered in separate degree programs; the latter are now compulsory for all students.


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Keywords: Studying at the Hamburg University of Music and Theater

Last updated: 16.01.2025