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Real estate cadastre / extracts, district offices


Detailed description

The real estate cadastre is the official and only directory that shows the actual and legal relationships of all real estate, ie parcels and buildings, true to scale in the real estate map and describes it in the real estate register .

The real estate map is available for the area of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg as an automated and sheet-free map series. Here, among other things, parcel boundaries, parcel numbers, buildings, street names, house numbers and geotopographical elements, e.g. B. embankments and water restrictions shown.

The real estate register contains parcel-related information (e.g. location, area, type of use), information on encumbrances, usage restrictions, public-law procedures and specialist data from other area-related information systems as well as the owner's information in the land register.



Documents required

Proof of eligibility and, if applicable, power of attorney from the property owner

Please note

Personal appearance of the authorized person or the holder of the power of attorney is required. Extracts are made in the scales 1: 500, 1: 1000 and 1: 2000 up to the format DIN A3. You can also contact other service centers for economic development, building and the environment of the district offices in Hamburg or the regional office for geoinformation and surveying (see further links).

Processing time

The extracts can be taken directly with you.


The fee for extracts from the property cadastre is €17.40 to €33.00.

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Keywords: Proof of real estate, district offices Parcel certificate, district offices Proof of parcel and ownership, district offices Land map, district offices Proof of inventory, district offices Property map, district offices Construction matters

Last updated: 18.09.2024