Detailed description
If you, as a dog owner, move within Hamburg, you must inform the responsible authority of your change of address.
If you move to Hamburg from outside, you must register your dog.
If you, as a dog owner, move within Hamburg, you must inform the responsible authority of your change of address.
If you move to Hamburg from outside, you must register your dog.
You are the owner of a dog and are moving within Hamburg.
The dog can also be re-registered in writing if copies of the required documents are attached.
Report your new address to the relevant authority within two weeks of your move.
You inform the responsible authority of your new address.
The responsible authority will check your notification and add it to its dog register.
Hamburg Law on Keeping and Leading Dogs - (Dog Law - Dog Act)
§ 13 Notification and Notification Obligations
Keywords: move Re-registration of dogs Re-registration, dogs Change in the dog register Dog register, change Adding the transponder number / chip number Change of dog liability insurance Dog registration
Last updated: 13.02.2025