Detailed description
Here you can find information about the First Baby Aid at SterniPark eV (Kinderhaus Goethestraße).
Here you can find information about the First Baby Aid at SterniPark eV (Kinderhaus Goethestraße).
If the problems related to the birth of your child seem insurmountable to you, please take advantage of the available help. The SterniPark association (see link) is at your side with advice and action or you can trust the advisors on the toll-free crisis hotline (0800/100 13 80). If you are in dire straits and can no longer see a way out, you can put your newborn in one of the baby flaps set up in Hamburg (first baby aid) (see links).
Keywords: Baby hatch in the Goethestrasse children's home Baby flap, Goethestrasse Baby flaps, Goethestrasse
Last updated: 05.02.2025