Hamburg.deHamburg ServiceApply for a Certificate of Good Standing for...Social Agency

Social Agency

Apply for a Certificate of Good Standing for Academic Health Professions

If you are interested in working in an academic health profession abroad, you will usually need a certificate of good standing.


Detailed description

The academic health professions affected are:

  • doctor,
  • dentist,
  • pharmacist,
  • psychotherapist,
  • midwife

If you would like to work in one of these academic health professions abroad, you will usually need proof of having acquired the relevant qualification (licensure or permission to use the professional title of midwife) as well as a certificate of good standing.

The clearance certificate confirms that you are entitled to practice your profession without restrictions. The certificate also shows that no professional or disciplinary measures have been taken against you.




  • You practice an academic health profession.
  • You are in possession of a license or a permit to use the professional title of midwife
  • You submit your application in the federal state in which you practice or last practiced the academic health profession.

Documents required

  • Completed application form
  • Officially certified copy of your license certificate or permission to use the professional title of midwife (date of certification not older than 3 months).
  • Proof of exercising this profession in Hamburg

Please note

The procedure for non-academic health professions differs from the procedures presented here.


Application deadline: None

The host country usually only accepts certificates that are no older than three months.


  • You send the application for a certificate of good standing together with the necessary documents to the competent authority.
  • The responsible body checks the requirements and, if the check is positive, issues the certificate of good standing.

Processing time

Processing takes about 14 days.


35.00 EUR - 55.00 EUR

Legal remedies


Legal basis

Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications

Administrative Procedure Act (VwVfG)

Federal Medical Code (BÄO)

Law on the Practice of Dentistry (ZHG)

Psychotherapists Act (PsychThG)

Federal Pharmacists' Ordinance (BApO)

Midwifery Act (HebG)

Address and contact information

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Keywords: License to practice training Recognition of training abroad work permit professional certificate proof of occupation Permission to use the professional title Acquired Rights certificate of good conduct

Last updated: 05.02.2025