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Receive divorced maintenance

If you and your former spouse are legally divorced and you are unable to support yourself, you may be able to claim reasonable maintenance from your former partner.


Detailed description

In principle, you and your former spouse are obliged to provide for your own maintenance after the divorce.
If one spouse cannot support himself with his income and assets after the divorce, he can claim maintenance from the other. However, this is only possible if the other spouse has sufficient income. Maintenance covers all living expenses.
If you and your divorced spouse cannot agree on an appropriate level of maintenance, you can assert your claim to divorced maintenance in court by filing a lawsuit. This requires a fee-based application that can only be submitted by a lawyer.
The claim must be asserted in a timely manner; this can only be done retroactively under certain conditions.
For details, please contact a lawyer.




  • Legally binding divorce of spouses or life partners according to the Life Partnership Act (LPartG)
  • Entitlement existed at the time of divorce
  • Need: The spouse in need of maintenance cannot provide for his or her own maintenance. The need depends on the marital living conditions.
  • Ability to pay: The other spouse is able to contribute from his or her income and assets to the maintenance of the needy partner
  • Existence of a legal maintenance obligation: The maintenance obligation may arise from the fact that the spouse
    • has to look after a child and therefore cannot work (care support),
    • is too old to work (maintenance due to old age),
    • is ill (maintenance due to illness),
    • cannot find work (support due to unemployment),
    • has a job but earns too little (top-up maintenance),
    • undergoes training, further training or retraining,
    • or can demand maintenance for other serious reasons (equitable maintenance).

Documents required

  • Proof of income, assets and personal and financial circumstances
  • if necessary, further evidence to be determined by the court
  • where applicable, written assurance that the information provided is truthful and complete

Please note

Legal advice is not available at the district court. Please contact the persons authorized to provide legal advice. These are lawyers or notaries.
The Public Legal Advice Service (ÖRA) offers cost-effective legal advice for people with low incomes   at.


  • Make your claim in good time, because you are only entitled to maintenance retroactively under certain conditions.

  • As long as the divorce proceedings have not yet been concluded, the claim for post-marital maintenance can also be asserted in conjunction with the divorce if the application is submitted at least two weeks before the oral hearing.


  • An application to claim maintenance for a divorced spouse can only be made by a lawyer. This does not apply to proceedings for the issuance of an interim order.
  • The lawyer you have appointed will determine which family court has local jurisdiction for you.
  • The further course of the court proceedings is essentially governed by the provisions of civil procedure.
  • The court may order you and your former spouse to provide information about your respective income, assets and personal and financial circumstances.
  • If you or your former spouse do not comply with this order within the set deadline, the court can independently make inquiries, for example with employers or insurance companies.

Processing time

The processing time depends on the circumstances of the individual case. Usually around 3 to 6 months, but in more complex cases it may take longer.

Proceedings by way of interim measures usually take between 3 and 6 weeks to process.


  • Court costs

  • Legal fees

  • both are essentially based on the value of the proceedings

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Keywords: Getting maintenance from your former spouse Getting money from your divorced spouse Divorce pension Divorce allowance Life partner maintenance Post-partnership maintenance

Last updated: 18.01.2025