IASON page

Participate in the preparation of the land use plan


You can participate in the creation or amendment of a land use plan.


Detailed description

As a citizen or company, you can participate in the creation (or amendment) of a land use plan. Your participation gives you the opportunity to participate in the planning process.
As an authority or other body responsible for public interests, you will be asked by the competent authority or the procedural body to participate and submit your opinion when it is determined that you are affected.





Documents required


Please note

The land use plan determines the intended urban development of a municipality. It also determines what part of the municipal area is to be used for. Possible uses include housing, business, transport, infrastructure, recreation or nature and the environment.
The land use plan generally consists of:

  • Textual explanations with, for example, details of the planning objectives
  • Various cards
  • (Land use, development, environment)
  • Legend to the maps
  • Justification with e.g. details of decisions and considerations


The public participation period is at least 30 days.

For authorities and other public interest groups, the participation period shall be at least 30 days from the request to submit a statement.


You can register from the public announcement
- online,
- in written form,
- orally or in writing on site at the competent authority or
- verbally during a public participation event
comment or make a statement on the land use plan or the development plan.

As an authority or public interest group, if you are identified as being affected, you will be contacted by the responsible body and asked to submit a statement electronically.

The statements received will be collected and examined by the responsible authority after the deadline. The local council will then weigh up the statements and decide on them. Other private and public interests will be taken into account. The result of the weighing up will be communicated to you.

Processing time

The duration of the procedure is variable and depends on the volume of comments received.



Legal remedies

  • Action before the administrative court

Legal basis

§ 2 Building Code (BauGB)

Section 3 paragraphs 1 and 2 of the German Building Code (BauGB)

Section 4 paragraph 1 and 2 of the German Building Code (BauGB)

§ 4a Building Code (BauGB)

Section 6 paragraph 5 of the German Building Code (BauGB)

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Keywords: Urban development planning citizen participation (online) F-Plan FNP Public participation

Last updated: 16.09.2024