Hamburg.deHamburg ServiceObtain an intermediate school leaving...School and Vocational Training Authority

School and Vocational Training Authority

Obtain an intermediate school leaving certificate through second-chance education (register)

Campus Second Chance Education: Registration for the evening school course (intermediate school leaving certificate)


Detailed description

The evening school course at the Campus Zweiter Bildungsweg leads to the first general school leaving certificate in a one-year course and to the intermediate school leaving certificate in a two-year course. Classes are held in the morning, afternoon and evening.

German, mathematics, English, learning areas: social sciences, natural sciences and technology, work and career.

If necessary, the pupils must attend remedial classes in the subjects German, mathematics and a foreign language as required by APO-Ca2B § 6 paragraph 4.




Anyone who is eligible to take part in a course of study at the Campus Second Chance Education

1. is of legal age,
2. has his residence or, failing that, his habitual abode in the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg,
3. has not attended a general education school or a full-time vocational school, with the exception of fully qualifying vocational schools, for at least the two years preceding admission to the Second Chance Education Campus,
4. does not already have the desired qualification or an equivalent qualification,
5. has taken part in the initial consultation at the Second Chance Education Campus,
6. has sufficient knowledge of German to successfully participate in the respective educational program.

In order to be admitted to the evening school course, the person admitted must also be employed when entering the school.
The professional activity must be carried out at least during the first year of evening school.

Pupils who enter the MSA evening school course with a first general education qualification or an equivalent school qualification can be admitted directly to the second or third semester if, based on the results of the initial consultation and their previous knowledge, it can be expected that they will be able to meet the requirements and there are no organizational reasons that prevent this. The decision is made by the school.

Anyone who does not have a residence or a place of residence but does have a job in the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg can be admitted if school places are available and the applicant can prove that the course of study cannot be taken close to their place of residence or cannot be taken within an appropriate time frame.

Documents required


  • A letter of motivation – Answer the question: Why do you want to attend our school?
  • A completed registration form – please fill it out digitally and print it out. If you do not have a printer, you can get the registration form from our school office.
  • A current CV with your signature.
  • A photograph – can be scanned into the CV.
  • Copy of secondary school leaving certificate/ESA certificate.
  • A copy of your identity card / identity document.
  • A current employment certificate (e.g. last salary or wage certificate from the employer) or proof that you have a household with child(ren) (= copy of the child(ren)'s birth certificate)


The course starts on February 1st and August 1st of each year.

Information about the exact registration period and the registration process can be obtained from:

Campus Second Chance Education

Holzdamm 5, 20099 Hamburg

Tel.: 428 848-0,


Please contact the school and ask for advice. You will receive the necessary registration documents at the school.
Campus Second Chance Education
Holzdamm 5, 20099 Hamburg
Tel.: 428 848-0,,

Processing time

Processing is completed by the start of the school year (or by the start of the semester if starting in the winter semester). Different times will be published on the website or can be requested from the school office.


There are no costs for attending the Second Chance Education Campus.

Legal remedies

The decision on admission is an administrative act. You can appeal against a decision to the sending office within the deadline specified in the letter. An unsuccessful appeal will incur a fee.

Legal basis

Training and examination regulations for the Campus Second Chance Education (APO-Ca2B)

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Keywords: Second-chance education Completing secondary school qualifications Completing secondary school diploma

Last updated: 05.02.2025