Hamburg.deHamburg ServiceAuthorization to carry out preventive...Authority for Justice and Consumer Protection

Authority for Justice and Consumer Protection

Authorization to carry out preventive occupational health examinations

Doctors require authorization to provide medical supervision of occupationally exposed persons in the field of radiation protection.


Detailed description

Are you a doctor and would like to carry out medical monitoring of occupationally exposed persons in accordance with the Radiation Protection Ordinance? Then you need authorization. If you can prove that you meet the necessary requirements, you can apply for authorization.

In particular,

  • the approval is available


  • the expertise in occupational medicine and
  • Expertise in radiation protection for medical monitoring in the event of occupational exposure must be demonstrated.

Expertise in radiation protection must be demonstrated at least every five years by successfully completing a refresher course.




Upon application, anyone who

  • is authorized to practice medicine (certificate of approval)
  • provides evidence of occupational medical expertise (occupational medicine, company medicine, occupational medical expertise) or participation in the “Course on occupational medical assessment of workplaces for authorized physicians” and
  • provides evidence of expertise in radiation protection for medical monitoring in the event of occupational exposure.
    • The expertise consists of:
      • Basic course in radiation protection for doctors
      • Special course for doctors to be authorized
      • At least six months of activity including 25 examinations of occupationally exposed persons under the supervision and responsibility of an authorized doctor.

Documents required

  • Certificate of approval
  • Occupational medical expertise or the “Course on occupational medical assessment of workplaces for authorized physicians”
  • Certificate of expertise for the required expertise in radiation protection for authorized physicians

Please note

The specialist knowledge required in radiation protection for medical prevention of occupationally exposed persons by authorized physicians must be updated at least every five years by attending a recognized course.


The authorization is valid nationwide and is limited to five years. An extension must be applied for before the expiry of the period, with proof of updated expertise in radiation protection.


If the requirements are met, you can submit an informal application to the responsible authority to obtain the authorization.
You can also submit the written application using the form.

  • Download the form online.
  • Fill out the form and attach the necessary evidence.
  • Submit this to the relevant authority.
  • You will then receive the authorization or, if applicable, the rejection notice of your application by post.

Processing time

The processing time is usually 2 to 4 weeks after receipt of the application and submission of all required documents.


The fees are between 100 and 150 euros.

Legal remedies

An appeal against the decision can be lodged with the relevant authority or department within one month of notification. The unsuccessful appeal procedure is subject to a fee.

Legal basis

Section 175 paragraph 1 sentence 1 Radiation Protection Ordinance (StrlSchV)

§ 47 Radiation Protection Ordinance

Address and contact information

Authority for Justice and Consumer Protection

Employee Protection

Mon-Wed 10am-1pm, Thurs 10am-1pm, 2pm-4pm, Fri 10am-1pm, telephone advice only

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Keywords: Certificate of Expertise Authorization for radiation protection Persons exposed to radiation medical supervision occupational medical checkup

Last updated: 05.02.2025