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Submit additional information for the registration of a birth including first name declaration and name determination

If you have had a child, you are obliged to submit further information and proof of the birth to the registry office. The hospitals may also forward your documents.


Detailed description

You must report the birth of your child to the responsible registry office and submit the required documents.
If your baby was born in a hospital or obstetric facility, this notification is usually made by the facility.
If you give birth at home, you will usually receive a birth certificate, which you must hand in personally to the registry office.
In addition to the birth notification, you must submit any further information and documents required to register the birth to the responsible registry office if the registry office cannot obtain these from its register.




You have reported the birth of a child to the responsible registry office and would like to submit additional documents to register the birth.

Documents required

You will need the paperwork, evidence and documents that you wish to submit to the relevant registry office.

Please note

The registry office maintains a birth register in which the following entries are made:

The child’s first names and birth name
Place, day, hour and minute of birth
The gender of the child
The first names and surnames of the parents, their gender and place and date of birth as well as place and date of marriage.

Choosing the child’s first name:
As a legal guardian, you are free to choose the child's first name. The first names chosen must not be inconsistent with the child's best interests. Names that are not actually first names may not be chosen. Several first names can be combined to form one first name. Such a combination should not contain more than one hyphen.

Choosing the child’s birth name:
If you have a common married name, the child will have this as their birth name.
If you as parents do not have a married name and you have joint custody, you can make a declaration to the registry office stating that the name that the father or mother has at the time of the declaration is the child's birth name. A declaration made after the birth has been registered must be publicly certified. If you have chosen a birth name for your child, this will also apply to other children you have together if you have joint custody of them.

The legal guardians can determine at the registry office that a child should receive the family name according to the law of the state to which one parent belongs, according to German law if one parent has his or her habitual residence in the country, or according to the law of the state to which a person granting the name belongs.


If the child was not born in a hospital or birthing center, you must report the birth of your child to the relevant registry office within one week. If your child was stillborn, you must report the birth no later than the third working day following the birth.

As parents with joint custody who do not have a married name, you must inform the responsible registry office of the child's birth name within one month of the child's birth. If no notification is received within this period, the matter will be forwarded to the family court.


In order for the birth of your child to be registered, the responsible registry office needs the necessary information and documents from you.

Send all required documents in their original form to the relevant registry office. You will receive your documents back after they have been certified.

Processing time

Processing may take a few days.



Legal remedies


Legal basis

§ 18 Civil Status Act (PStG)

§ 19 Civil Status Act (PStG)

§ 1616 ff. German Civil Code (BGB)

§ 3 Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG)

§ 1626 ff. German Civil Code (BGB)

§ 21 Civil Status Act (PStG)

§ 22 Civil Status Act (PStG)

§ 45 Civil Status Act (PStG)

§ 10 Civil Status Act (PStG)

Art. 10 paras. 1 and 3 in conjunction with Art. 5 para. 1 Introductory Act to the German Civil Code (EGBGB)

§ 35 Ordinance on the Implementation of the Civil Status Act (PStV)

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Last updated: 05.02.2025