Hamburg.deHamburg ServiceApply for a firearms license extensionHamburg police

Hamburg police

Apply for a firearms license extension

If your gun license expires, you must renew it.


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Detailed description

The gun license allows you to carry a weapon outside your own home, your business premises, your own enclosed property (such as your own garden) or a shooting range. If you carry the weapon with you, you must carry the gun license with you and be able to identify yourself with an ID card or passport. The gun license is issued for carrying weapons that require a license. In order to be able to carry firearms that do not require a license, you need a small gun license. Both licenses are only issued for a limited period. If your gun license expires, you can apply for an extension if necessary.




  • You have a gun license that will soon expire.
  • You can be granted an extension if you continue to meet the requirements for the initial grant.
    • You have a valid permit to purchase and own a weapon (for example, a firearm ownership card)
    • You are at least 18 years old
    • It is necessary for you to carry weapons in public (need)
  • They are knowledgeable in handling weapons and ammunition,
  • They can ensure the safe storage of weapons and ammunition

Documents required

  • Identity card or passport (copy)
  • Gun ownership card and gun license
  • Proof of a need (e.g. proof that you are at risk)
  • Proof of liability insurance in the amount of 1 million euros (flat rate for personal injury and property damage)

Please note

To complete the application more quickly, you can use the NWR identification numbers (NWR-ID):

  • Your PersonalNWR-ID (P- or F-NWR-ID) for your personal information
  • the permit NWR-ID for the firearms permit (E-NWR-ID)
  • the weapon or weapon part NWR ID (W or T NWR ID).

You will receive the NWR IDs upon application to the responsible weapons authority.

If you move to another city or municipality, you do not need to have your gun license re-registered.

You may be deemed unreliable under firearms law if, among other things,

  • You have been legally sentenced to a prison term of at least 1 year within the last 10 years or you have been a member of or supported a banned organisation within the last 10 years.
  • it can be assumed that you are misusing or handling weapons or ammunition improperly, are not storing these items carefully or are leaving them with persons who are not authorized to do so.
  • You have been in preventive police custody with judicial authorisation more than once in the last five years for violent behaviour.
  • You have repeatedly or seriously violated firearms laws.

You may be deemed personally unsuitable if, among other things,

  • You are legally incapable.
  • You are addicted to alcohol or other intoxicating substances, mentally ill or demented.
  • You suffer from serious illnesses, such as brain injuries, or physical impairments, such as amputations or severe visual impairment.
  • it can be assumed that you will not handle weapons or ammunition carefully or properly, or that you will not be able to store these items carefully, or that there is a concrete risk that you will endanger others or yourself.


You will receive a gun license for a maximum of 3 years. You can extend the gun license twice for a maximum of 3 years. You must apply for the extension before your gun license expires.


  • You submit the application together with the required documents.
  • The responsible authority will examine your application.
  • The responsible authority will extend your firearms license if you meet the necessary requirements.

Processing time

Up to several months


166,00 EUR - 330,00 EUR

Legal remedies


Legal basis

§ 4 Weapons Act (WaffG)

Section 10 paragraph 4 sentence 2 Weapons Act (WaffG)

§ 36 Weapons Act (WaffG)

§ 13 General Weapons Act Ordinance (AWaffV)

Fee schedule for official acts in the field of firearms law


Address and contact information

Hamburg police

Mon 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tue 7 a.m. to 12 p.m., Thu 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Due to many telephone inquiries, we are sometimes difficult to reach by telephone.

All firearms and hunting law matters can also be handled in writing
to be edited. Applications as well as hunting and weapons law documents can be sent by post,
Email or by putting it in your home mailbox.

Due to the current situation, processing at the hunting and weapons authority may take several months.
We ask for your patience and will get back to you without being asked.

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Keywords: Carrying weapons Gun in public Weapons subject to licensing Carry weapon Extend your gun license

Last updated: 05.02.2025