Hamburg.deHamburg ServiceEvidence of benefits from supporting needy...Job center

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Evidence of benefits from supporting needy children, adolescents and young adults to participate in educational offerings

Children, adolescents and young adults who receive unemployment benefit II, social benefit or social assistance or whose parents receive child supplement or housing benefit can generally receive benefits from the education package.

Detailed description

For you as parents who rely on support services, it is often not easy to offer your children the same opportunities in their free time or at school as children from families with higher incomes. However, children and young people in need also have the right to take part in day trips and shared lunches at school and daycare, and to participate in music, sports and games in clubs and groups.

This is where the education and participation benefits of the so-called education package can help you. You can apply for funding from the responsible authority. The funding covers the following areas:

Up to a maximum of 18 years of age:

  • Participation in social and cultural life, for example in a sports club or music school, is supported with up to EUR 15.00 per month.

Up to a maximum of 25 years of age:

  • The provision of personal school supplies is subsidized with EUR 156.00 per year (EUR 104.00 for the first and EUR 52.00 for the second school semester).
  • Costs will be covered for additional appropriate learning support to the extent that it is necessary to achieve the learning objectives set out in school law.
  • For one-day trips from schools, day care centers and child day care, the actual costs will be reimbursed.
  • For trips lasting several days from day care centers and child day care facilities as well as for class trips within the framework of school law, the actual costs will be covered.
  • Subsidies are paid for communal lunches for schoolchildren (if under school responsibility) and for children in day care centers and child day care. The personal contribution is EUR 1.00 per day.
  • The actual costs required for transport to the nearest school for the chosen course of study (student monthly tickets) will be covered (own contribution if the ticket can also be used for other purposes than for student transport).




  • Children and young people up to the age of 25 are eligible to apply,
    • who cannot cover their educational and participation needs from their own income and assets or from their own family income and assets and who are therefore entitled to
    • Basic security benefits for jobseekers or
    • social care
    • benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act
  • or whose families receive the following benefits:
    • child allowance or
    • housing benefit
  • Upper age limit for participation in culture, sport and leisure: 18 years

Documents required

  • Proof of need, for example by notification of:
    • Child allowance
    • Housing benefit
    • benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act
  • where applicable, invoices, receipts and other evidence
  • if necessary, certificates from the school

The responsible authority will inform you about any other documents that may be required.

Please note

The implementation of the education package is organized locally in the districts and independent cities and may deviate from the procedures described. However, the following applies in principle: Anyone who receives unemployment benefit II or social security benefits usually turns to the job center for benefits from the education package. The same applies to cases of so-called need-based triggering. The education package is also implemented in the job center by the districts and independent cities. You can also get information there if the education package is administered outside the job center. The job centers are not responsible for families who receive social assistance, housing benefit, child benefit or benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act. The districts or independent cities (available, for example, in the town hall, the citizens' office or the district administration) will tell you the right contact person.


  • Period of validity: 12 months (entitlements to benefits from the education and participation package under the Federal Child Benefits Act (for families with child supplements or housing benefit) expire 12 months after the end of the calendar month in which they arose.)


  • If possible, ask the responsible office in advance how you can most easily apply for benefits from the education package. The staff will also help you with the application process if you wish.
  • Fill out the required forms, sign the application and provide the necessary supporting documents.
    • Note: If you receive unemployment benefit II, the benefits for education and participation are applied for together with the application for unemployment benefit II. This also applies to benefits that serve to support your child's learning.
  • Send the complete application documents by post to the responsible office or hand them in personally.
  • You will receive written notification as to whether and which offers your child can take advantage of.

Processing time

Up to several months



Legal remedies


Legal basis

§§ 28 ff Social Code, Volume II (SGB II)

§ 6b Federal Child Benefit Act (BKGG)

§§ 34 f. Social Code, Volume Twelve (SGB XII)

§§ 2 and 3 Asylum Seekers Benefits Act (AsylbLG)

Address and contact information

Job center

Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 7:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m., also by prior tel. Agreement, Thu additionally only for working people 3-5 p.m

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Keywords: School trip music school Learning support Job centre Apply for child benefit Hartz IV Having lunch school equipment social benefit social care sports club participation package club contribution housing benefit

Last updated: 05.02.2025