Hamburg.deHamburg ServiceShow homework for which special regulations of...Authority for Justice and Consumer Protection

Authority for Justice and Consumer Protection

Show homework for which special regulations of hazard protection apply

If you, as an entrepreneur, work from home for which special hazard protection regulations apply, you must submit a report to the responsible trade inspectorate and the regulatory office.

Detailed description

As a company, you are obliged to report to the Justice and Consumer Protection Authority any people you employ to work from home and for whom hazard protection regulations apply. This would include, for example, the assembly of fireworks in one's own home.




You run a business in Germany that issues homework or distributes homework to others.

Documents required


Please note

In the notification, you must state the name and address of the workplace and the hazardous activity of the person working from home. The Home Working Act (HAG) protects anyone who works in their own home or in a self-selected business location on behalf of tradespeople or foremen.
This is intended to prevent discrimination against these poorly visible workplaces. The protective provisions of the Homework Act are mandatory. They cannot be excluded by contract, nor can individual homeworkers subsequently waive them. When awarding and carrying out homework, the provisions of the Homework Act must be observed and complied with. Remuneration is based on binding stipulations that have the character of a collective agreement.


Report any dangerous home-working activities to the responsible supervisor before people employed in your company start working from home.


You can report employees working from home with hazard protection regulations in writing or with the help of an online service.

Advertisement in the online service:

  • You log in to the online service.
  • In the online service, please enter the required information.
  • After sending the notification, it will be automatically forwarded to the authorities for justice and consumer protection.
  • If corrections are required, corrections are requested.
  • Once the correction has been made, the authorities will check the notification again.
  • Finally, the display is archived in relation to the company.

In written form:
  • There is no special form for reporting.
  • You create an informal advertisement with the following data about the employee:
    • First and Last Name
    • Date of birth
    • Address of residence or business premises (including postal code)
    • Type of employment (exact designation of the assigned work)
  • You send the notification to the competent authority, including the necessary documents.
  • After receiving the notification, the authority checks the information for completeness and correctness.
  • If improvements are necessary, you will be contacted by the responsible clerk.
  • After a successful check, the authority stores your data in a company-related manner. As a rule, there is no confirmation of notification.
You must then forward the notification to the responsible public order office.

Processing time

None. You will not receive any notification or confirmation from the responsible authority.



Legal remedies


Legal basis

Address and contact information

Authority for Justice and Consumer Protection

Employee Protection

Mon-Wed 10am-1pm, Thurs 10am-1pm, 2pm-4pm, Fri 10am-1pm, telephone advice only

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Keywords: Home work, occupational safety Homework with hazard protection Protection of home working dangerous activity home work

Last updated: 05.02.2025