Hamburg.deHamburg ServiceApply for a green gun ownership card for an...Hamburg police

Hamburg police

Apply for a green gun ownership card for an individual

If you wish to purchase and own weapons or ammunition that require a permit, you must apply for a permit from the responsible weapons authority.


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Detailed description

The green gun ownership card is necessary if you want to buy a gun that requires a permit. You must apply for the green card at the relevant authority. To receive the green gun ownership card, you must meet certain requirements. If all requirements are met, the green card will be issued to you and a permit to purchase the gun will be entered in the card. The green gun ownership card then also confirms your entitlement to permanently own this gun.




  • You are of the appropriate age to own the weapons
    • at least 18 years old, but different rules apply for certain types of weapons and groups of people:
    • For sport shooters
      • a minimum age of 18 years when purchasing
        • Firearms up to a calibre of 5.6 mm lfB (.22 lr) for rimfire ammunition, if the muzzle energy of the projectiles does not exceed 200 joules, and
        • Single-shot long guns with smooth barrels of 12 caliber or smaller, provided that sporting shooting with such weapons is permitted by the approved sports regulations of a shooting sports association
      • a minimum age of 21 years for other (large caliber) firearms.
  • You have a particularly recognizable personal or economic interest in owning weapons
  • They are reliable under firearms law
  • You have the necessary personal qualifications
  • You are knowledgeable in handling weapons and ammunition
  • They can ensure the safe storage of weapons and ammunition

Documents required

  • Identity card or passport (copy)
  • Certificate from the shooting sports association, hunting license, proof of endangerment or proof of another need to own a weapon
  • Proof of expertise
  • Proof of storage, for example a purchase contract for a gun safe or photos of the gun safe and its location
  • If necessary, the relevant authority will ask you to submit a medical or psychological report on your mental suitability to own weapons. You must pay for the report yourself and send the original by post to the relevant authority.

Please note

As a rule, sports shooters are only allowed to purchase two weapons within six months.


None. You must apply for a firearm license before purchasing a firearm. It is important to apply in advance to ensure that all necessary checks and approvals can be completed in a timely manner.


  • You submit the application together with the required documents.
  • The responsible authority will examine your application and, if necessary, request any missing documents or information from you.
  • The responsible authority will issue the green firearms license if you meet the necessary requirements.

Processing time

Up to several weeks


19,00 EUR - 32,00 EUR

Legal remedies


Legal basis

Section 10 paragraph 1 sentence 1 Weapons Act (WaffG)

§ 8 Weapons Act (WaffG)

§ 4 Weapons Act (WaffG)

§ 13 Weapons Act (WaffG)

Section 14 paragraph 2, 3, 5 Weapons Act (WaffG)

§ 20 Weapons Act (WaffG)

§ 36 Weapons Act (WaffG)

Fee schedule for official acts in the field of firearms law


Address and contact information

Hamburg police

Mon 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tue 7 a.m. to 12 p.m., Thu 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Due to many telephone inquiries, we are sometimes difficult to reach by telephone.

All firearms and hunting law matters can also be handled in writing
to be edited. Applications as well as hunting and weapons law documents can be sent by post,
Email or by putting it in your home mailbox.

Due to the current situation, processing at the hunting and weapons authority may take several months.
We ask for your patience and will get back to you without being asked.

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Keywords: Hunter Collector Purchase a weapon Sports shooters Weapons Authority Firearm

Last updated: 13.02.2025