You can receive funding if:
- You are running an agricultural business or are setting up or developing an independent business in the agricultural sector for the first time
- You generate more than 25% of your sales from the production of plant or animal products from soil cultivation or animal husbandry
- You reach the limit set by the agricultural pension fund
- Your company can have organized management
- You can demonstrate professional qualifications to manage your business
- You can provide advance accounting for the next three years
- You can provide an investment concept about the economic viability of the company and the measures to be implemented.
Documents required
- Investment concept
- Last three book finishes
- Last three available income tax assessments
- Statement of Assets
- Qualified cost estimate or three comparative offers
Please note
There is no legal entitlement to a subsidy. The granting authority decides within the framework of the available budget resources and at its own discretion.
You may only start with the planned measures after the responsible authority has approved the funding. This also applies to the conclusion of delivery and service contracts.
If you are approved for grants, you must then prove that the funds were used appropriately
No deadline to submit an application. However, you must have the funding approval before you start implementing any measures.
You must submit evidence of the appropriate use of the funding to the responsible authority no later than six months after the end of the funding period.