Detailed description
BAföG is the abbreviation for "Federal Training Assistance Act". BAföG is the colloquial term for the funding that you can receive under this law. You receive the funding for financing
- your school attendance or
- under certain conditions of a mandatory internship as part of your school attendance.
- Your parents, spouse or partner do not have sufficient income.
- You yourself have little or no income, for example from a "mini job".
- Your assets are below the exempt amount of EUR 8,200 or only slightly above.
- You are aiming to graduate from high school full-time.
- Age limit: 30 years (exceptions are possible)
The amount of your BAföG is based on a fixed monthly requirement. Money is deducted from this requirement if the income of you, your parents, your spouse or your partner exceeds the allowances.
In principle, if you want to obtain a vocational qualification or a secondary school qualification, you can receive BAföG. However, if you attend a general school, this only applies from class 10 and only if you cannot live at home (e.g. because you cannot get the degree you want in the area).