As a public domain in accordance with EU guideline 2016/2102, we strive to make all our websites and mobile applications accessible. The website is designed in accordance with the regulations stipulated in the Hamburgisches Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz (HmbBGG - lit. the Hamburg Law for Equal Treatment of Handicapped Persons) as well as the Hamburgische Barrierefreie Informationstechnik-Verordnung (HmbBITVO - lit. the Hamburg Accessible Information Technology Act) in order to implement the EU guideline 2016/2102.
This declaration of accessibility is based on results of the audit report on the website, which uses the same codebase as the above-mentioned domain. We are confident that the results can be applied to both websites accordingly.
Current Status of Compatibility with Legal Guideline Requirements
Accessibility requirements are presented in §1 of the HmbBITVO in relation to §3 section 1 - 4 as well as §4 of the Federal BITV, established on the basis of §11 of the HmbBGG.
Reviews concerning adherence to the requirements are based on
- an audit conducted by Mr. Detlef Girke from 8 October, 2019 - 15 December, 2020, in compliance with HmbBITVO / BITV 2.0 / EN 301 549 / WCAG 2.1.
According to these reviews, the website is partly in accordance with the above-mentioned requirements. Concrete incompatibilities and exceptions can be seen as follows.
Non-accessible content
Content is not accessible for the below-mentioned reasons:
- The following criteria are not in accordance with norm EN 301549:
Information and relationships (
Keyboard (
Pause, stop, hide (
Focus visible (
Parsing (
Name, role, value (
In order to implement full accessibility, the following measures are planned:
PDF downloads are not fully provided as accessible versions but, if required, are scheduled to be replaced by accessible counterparts.
Date of creation, i.e. the most recent update to the declaration of accessibility
This declaration was issued on 21 August, 2020 and last updated on 15 December, 2020.
The creation of this declaration of accessibility is based on evaluations issued as part of a detailed audit (BITV test).
Standard: HmbBITVO / BITV 2.0 / EN 301 549 / WCAG 2.1
BIK insprection authority: BITV-Consult Detlef Girke
Auditor: Detlef Girke
Date of audit: 15 December, 2020
Result: In many areas, the website is designed in a way that is accessible to all users. However, the current state of the website is not compliant with the BITV. Within the framework of a technical reworking of the website, these requirements are to be incorporated.