Transport ITS FAQs

Answers to the most pressing questions on smart transport and logistics solutions in the city of Hamburg.

FAQs ITS Hamburg


Why has the Senate’s ITS Strategy been ratified?

On 26 April 2016, the Senate of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg ratified the 'Strategy for the Promotion and Implementation of Measures towards Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Hamburg'. It outlines the city’s aim to utilise digital technologies to make future traffic safer, greener and more efficient.      

The strategy serves as the basis for promoting the use of information and communication technologies as well as innovations in urban traffic and logistics. Together with associations, businesses and research institutions, digital change is to be furthered gainfully.  

Increasing traffic security and steady traffic flow, promoting innovations and reducing negative effects on the environment are at the core of the ITS Strategy.   

In which fields of action is the city involved?

The strategy’s aims are to be pursued via eight different fields of action: data, smart traffic information, smart traffic coordination, intelligent infrastructure, mobility as a service, smart parking, intelligent vehicles and the promotion of innovations. On the basis of data, the different fields of action are to be connected. The above-mentioned key issues aim to promote innovations within the city.

When was the strategy implemented?

Within the first two years of the ITS Strategy, concrete objectives, measures, a schedule and financial plan were to be devised for several different subprojects. In particular, a consistent data strategy for interconnection, as well as exchange of data and information (if applicable), of the traffic domain was to be designed.

What is the financial burden on the city for implementing the strategy?

As of late 2017, the senate had invested around EUR 2 million ― EUR 1.25 million of which was invested into the bid and the hosting of the ITS World Congress. Additional money has been invested into various mobility projects.

What role does the BWVI agency play in the implementation of the ITS Strategy?

The BWVI coordinates the city’s activities as a whole: the project management office, the network management office, activities concerning the bid for the ITS World Congress in 2021, and the communication between the different municipal authorities, associations and stakes. In addition, the agency is responsible for the implementation of cooperation agreements between the city and business partners.

Which municipal bodies contribute to the implementation of the ITS Strategy?

Senate: Senatskanzlei (Senate Chancellery), Behörde für Wirtschaft, Verkehr und Innovation (agency for economy, transport and innovation - BWVI), Behörde für Inneres und Sport (agency for the interior and sports - BIS), Finanzbehörde (agency for finance - BF), Behörde für Umwelt und Energie (agency for the environment and energy - BUE)

District Authorities: Bezirksamt Bergedorf district authority (MySmartLife project)

The Hamburgische Beauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit (Hamburg Officer for Privacy and the Freedom of Information - HmbBfDI)

State Enterprises and Bodies: Hamburg Port Authority (HPA), Landesbetrieb Geoinformation und Vermessung (authority for geoinformation and survey - LGV), Landesbetrieb Straßen, Brücken und Gewässer (authority for streets, bridges and waters - LSBG), Landesbetrieb Verkehr (authority for transport - LBV), the Police, Dataport

City Associations and Stakes: Hamburger Hochbahn AG, hySOLUTIONS GmbH, Hamburg-Holstein GmbH Verkehrsverbund (Hamburg-Holstein traffic associations - VHH), Hamburger Verkehrsverbund (Hamburg traffic association - HVV), Hamburg Verkehrsanlagen (Hamburg traffic facilities - HHVA), Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG (Hamburg port and logistics association - HHLA)

How is the coordination of municipal projects implemented?

All municipal ITS projects are coordinated by the Project Management Office (PMO), which took up operations at Hamburger Hochbahn AG in January 2017. Tasked with providing an overview of the projects and developments within the ITS Strategy, the PMO schedules and organises overarching projects, initiates new ideas, manages communication between various public and private bodies, and supports ITS projects as a whole. Additionally, the PMO manages ITS-related subsidies (procurement, counselling and applications), is a point of contact for third parties (businesses and scientific institutions), and even represents the city of Hamburg on a number of national and international boards and stakeholder groups.

Further services to which the PMO contributes in coordination with the BWVI State Agency for Economy, Transport and Innovation include:

  • The implementation of overarching project management
  • Regular reporting via project plans, status updates and briefings, maintenance of a project map, and escalation management in the event of obstacles
  • The organisation and preparation of inter-institutional meetings (steering committees, workgroups, field of action meetings, workshops) in the context of the ITS Strategy
  • Technology and innovation monitoring

The PMO leads, supervises and evaluates the dialogue with business representatives, information centres and research facilities concerning ITS topics and projects. If applicable, first project ideas are devised and submitted to potential responsible bodies within the administration.

Which ITS Projects are implemented in Hamburg?

The number of projects is constantly increasing. Some are still being drafted while others have reached the realisation phase. Click here for a concise overview.

Who is the reference person for businesses?

Businesses with concrete projects to be implemented in Hamburg may refer to the Project Management Office (PMO) of Hamburger Hochbahn AG. Businesses with project drafts or the desire to connect with third parties may refer to Hans Stapelfeldt of the Network Management Office (NMO) at Logistik-Initiative Hamburg.

How does hosting the ITS World Congress 2021 affect the implementation of the strategy?

Hosting the ITS World Congress 2021 will help the implementation of the strategy in the sense that many businesses and organisations will presumably contribute their resources towards innovative projects in Hamburg. This will significantly speed up the implementation of the strategy. In effect, Hamburg’s goals will be met faster and with higher quality.

KM1 Con Prinz ITS FAQs

KM1 Con PRinz Mini ITS FAQs

Important Dates

28th ITS World Congress
11 — 15 Oct 2021, Hamburg